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How Long Does Both Unopened and Opened Whiskey Last?

· late-night liquor,liquor delivery

Many factors like humidity, lighting, temperature and others have the potential to change whiskey. And, as a whiskey lover and/or as a collector of different whiskeys you would like to know how long you can store your whiskey and how fast it can go bad. This is why, here in this blog let’s explore the topic in detail, and so that the next time you order your favourite alcohol from Calgary dial a bottle you know that, for how long your whiskey can survive opened or unopened! 

How Long Can Unopened Bottle of Whiskey Last? 

If we speak theoretically, then an unopened bottle of whiskey can last forever. So, that means an ideal condition is required for preserving whiskey. Although the shelf life of whiskey is much longer than beer or wine, however, how fast the whiskey can get spoiled depends on how it is stored! 

Unopened bottled whiskey should not come in contact with sunlight i.e. UV light for long, because the UV light can allow the organic compounds in the whiskey to catalyse and eventually break down. Among the organic compounds that break down, some of them provide the aroma and flavour of the whiskey.  This causes the whiskey to lose its aroma and flavour and go bland. The sunlight can also cause evaporation of the whiskey and this reduces the amount of whiskey present in it and thus, tarnishes the whiskey’s taste even more! If you are craving whiskey you can order the best-stored whiskey from Calgary dial a bottle alcohol store. 

How Long Does An Opened Bottle of Whiskey Can Last?

Opening a bottle of whiskey will cause it to evaporate and this makes the whiskey taste smoother. Smoother tasting whiskey is loved by many whiskey aficionados and is one of the reasons why an opened bottle of whiskey is often decanted. 

Once a bottle of whiskey is opened, the whiskey begins to oxidise. The process of oxidation begins when the organic compounds present in the whiskey interacts with the oxygen. Surprisingly, oxygen has an unpredictable effect on the spirit, sometimes enhancing the taste, while at other times it can tarnish its taste. Basically, how long an opened bottle of whiskey will last, depends on the air to whiskey ratio in the open bottle. If the amount of oxygen is more in the whiskey it will cause the oxidation to increase. According to the experts, a half bottle of whiskey can last for one to two years while a quarter bottle of whiskey may last for only three to four months. To reduce the amount of oxidation, the whiskey collectors transfer the liquor in smaller containers, so the oxygen to whiskey ratio is lower, and that helps to add lifespan to the whiskey. 


Now that you know how long naturally a whiskey can last and storing it under ideal conditions adds lifespan to whiskey. You can collect any number of whiskeys and keep them at your home under the right temperature and conditions given that you have the proper knowledge now. Also, you can drink it for as long as the quantity last. However, no need to whine if you have no whiskey in the middle of the night because now you can get late-night liquor delivery from well known, Calgary dial a bottle store. 

To order call us at 403-918-3030, also you can mail us at